25 May: Genocide – The Elephant in the Room

Today’s chapter gives insight into what may have caused the Creator God to commission the destruction of whole nations in the past…

READ 1 SAMUEL 15  Make notes, if you’d like, of what stands out for you. Feel free to use the “Leave a Comment” box below to also write some of your thoughts.


One of the biggest reasons why people today can’t bring themselves to follow the Creator God, is that they can’t understand His behaviour. The first thing to cross my mind, when I read today’s chapter, was: How on earth can I begin to address this ever-present ‘elephant in the room’ – the thing we now call genocide! The Hebrew term for our word “destroy”, refers to the “irrevocable giving over of things or people to the Lord”. Now, entrusting people into the hands of God may be understandable, but what’s it mean to “irrevocably give them over”? [v8,9,15,18,20&21]

Two things are important about today’s chapter. Firstly, when we read parts of the Creator’s Epic Play in isolation, it’s easy to make value judgements without understanding. How many of us today have spent our whole life rejecting our Maker – for who He really is – and His plan for this world, while ignorant of all the facts found in the whole story from beginning to end. Secondly, today’s chapter is really about Saul’s obedience. As head of God’s family, he was the highest example and had to show more obedience than anyone else. How sad it is to start well but end badly [v10-11], simply because we think we’re doing the right thing but all the while we’re not doing what He actually asked or wants…

Read More? …CLICK on “25 May – Additional Notes”

But what about your thoughts – can you tell me what today’s “breadcrumb” is? Leave a note in the “Comments” box below to tell me what you think of today’s chapter.

Finding it hard to connect with the Creator behind the story? The rest of this webpage uses Jesus’ own prayer to help…[a]


   1.   Praise: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …”

One generation commends Your works to another, Lord. They tell of Your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendour of Your majesty and, because of this, I’ll meditate on Your wonderful works. [Psalm 145:4-5]

   2.   Ask: “…Give us today our daily bread…”

  • The World: The people of France[b]
  • Your Country: Those in the Parole System
  • Yourself: Your commitment to the Lord
  • Your concerns for today
Whatever I need today, Father God, my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So I’ll fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what’s unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. [2 Corinthians 4:17-18]

   3.   Admit: “…Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us…”

In all that I do, Lord, whether I turn to the right or to the left, my ears will hear Your voice behind me, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” [Isaiah 30:21]

   4.   Protect: “…Lead us not into temptation but delivers us from evil.”

Thank-you Father that You are the Lord. You’ll bring me out from under the yoke of slavery. You’ll free me from being a slave to my past life. You’ll redeem me with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. [Exodus 6:6]

“For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever. Amen!”

When Jesus was questioned, tested, tricked or in His hour of great need, He always spoke things that were previously written in God’s Word.[c]  Following these memory verses from ten topics, will help you learn 52 verses from the bible in a year! THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE: Using our Gifting

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” [Galatians 6:10]

[a] Matthew 6:5-15

[b] http://www.operationworld.org/country/fran/owtext.html

[c] Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; 11:10; 21:13; and 26:24,31

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