The Michael G Knight Trust (MKT) began in 2009 with what we called Mike’s seed money when our son Michael passed away suddenly, unexpectedly, and without a medical reason why. After sailing from Rotterdam as a deck hand on a charity ship and visiting 7 countries throughout the Caribbean, Michael had spent his last year on earth working at McDonalds to save madly towards his music school training. He wanted to be a musician among gospel music artists – whether that was to be in large-scale gospel music events; or, as one who leads the music in the smaller gatherings of those who worship the Creator God…. But Mike died at 18, just 50 days in sight of his dream.

After his passing, it seemed clear to his siblings and to us that his savings should be put into a Trust Fund; and so, MKT was birthed. For 12 years, the idea was to support other young people like Mike, who want to use their talents for singing and writing songs about the Creator God, just as King David of Israel had done 3,000 years ago.
However, from 2022 MKT became two-fold: You can now donate to Mike’s legacy and original cause – just leave a note in the comments when paying through PayPal. Or give to our NEW EFFORTS – saving the world through networking with existing freshwater initiatives in various countries. If we are to respond at all to the UN 1993 predictions, forecasting critical freshwater shortages by 2030, the catastrophe is set to hit the highest populations living in the poorest countries in the hottest climates with the least amount of available freshwater reserves! Our latest book “THIRST” explains it all; and with less that ‘7 years of plenty’ left before disaster strikes, it’s a highly recommended read that should be immediately passed on for mobilizing everyone you know! Click the “LookUpBooks – Order” tab above to buy “Thirst”.
You can also support MKT by DONATING through PAYPAY: