Today’s chapter shows that the boundaries, which are set up in our Maker’s “Handbook for a Healthy Life”, are surprisingly freeing…
READ EXODUS 20 Make notes, if you’d like, of what stands out for you. Feel free to use the “Leave a Comment” box below to also write some of your thoughts.
At first glance, onlookers will look at the well-known Ten Commandments and think: “I knew that following the Creator God was all about rules. This chapter totally proves that assumption.” The so-called Law of Moses can be legitimately argued as the most complete, most complex, far reaching, no-loophole guide for life ever penned in the history of human civilization. In fact, it’s so complete and so perfect that it’s impossible for any human being to fully attain it.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,” says the Lord, “so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. [Isaiah 55:9]

However, to leave the story there, would be to misrepresent our Maker’s intentions. Made in His image, His goal for us was always about relationship. His “rules” are designed to bring total freedom to our relationship with our Perfect God; our relationship with each other, and our relationship with our environment. So instead of another book of shackles, it’s a map for citizenship and identity, and compass for belonging within the culture of Him family.
Read More? …CLICK on “11 February – Additional Notes”
But what about your thoughts – can you tell me what today’s “breadcrumb” is? Leave a note in the “Comments” box below to tell me what you think of today’s chapter.
Wanting to speak directly with One behind the Rule Book? The rest of this webpage uses Jesus’ own prayer to help…[a]
1. Praise: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …”
I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted. [Exodus 15:1]
2. Ask: “…Give us today our daily bread…”
The World: Pray for the people of Albania[b]
Your Country: Your Police Forces
Yourself: Boldness in living for Christ
Your concerns for today
Hear from heaven my prayer and my plea, Lord. Uphold my cause. [1 Kings 8:45]
3. Admit: “…Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us…”
Thank-you Lord that no temptation has overtaken me except what is common to mankind. And You Lord are faithful. You’ll not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. But when I’m tempted, You’ll also provide a way out so that I can endure it. [1 Corinthians 10:13]
4. Protect: “…Lead us not into temptation but delivers us from evil.”
Lord, You’ve saved us for Your Name’s sake, to make His mighty power known. [Psalm 106:8]
“For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever. Amen!”
When Jesus was questioned, tested, tricked or in His hour of great need, He always spoke things that were previously written in God’s Word.[c] Following these memory verses from ten topics, will help you learn 52 verses from the bible in a year! THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE: Topic = The Creator’s Will
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God has prepared in advance for us to walk in.” [Ephesians 2:10]
[a] Matthew 6:5-15
[c] Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; 11:10; 21:13; and 26:24,31