If you are wondering why my website is call “Breadcrumbs”, today’s chapter holds the story behind our family’s story…
READ EXODUS 16 Make notes if you’d like, of what stands out for you. Feel free to use the “Leave a Comment” box below to also write some of your thoughts.
Since writing my first book Breadcrumbs in the Storm some have asked about the significance of the title. As mentioned in the book, those early days after our son died were like making our way through a dark wood, similar to the story of Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm. On the path ahead of us, we found our first breadcrumb – the first in a series of supernatural coincidences that we uncovered in and around our son’s departure. Like “manna from heaven” each breadcrumb became “soul food” for us. They strengthened our hearts as we picked them up and consumed them as “food for thought”. Our spirits were sustained as we followed the breadcrumbs during that long journey ahead of us. But if you’re asking: “What’s manna?”, then you’ve just answered your own question. The people who discovered it in the wilderness around Mount Horeb (modern day Saudi Arabia) used the Hebrew word “manna” that sounds like their word for: “What is it?” [v15,31]

Whatever it was, it came from the same Person who created dew, and the people had to go out of their way daily to specifically find it then collect the “breadcrumbs”. [v4] So, as this epic storyline unfolds, I have noticed how, on a physical level, manna is a parallel for a spiritual level with God’s Word today. As “soul food”, the Word of God is “bread” for my spirit today. However, although it has been freely provided for us in 3,283 languages, the task ahead of you and the task ahead of me is to seek it out every day, gather it, process it, and consume it into our lifestyles.[a] My Daily Breadcrumbs on this website are to help you, and we can glean from it together. Read More? …CLICK on “09 February – Additional Notes”
But what about your thoughts – can you tell me what today’s “breadcrumb” is? Leave a note in the “Comments” box below to tell me what you think of today’s chapter.
Wanting to connect with the Author of our Handbook for LIFE? The rest of this webpages uses Jesus’ own prayer to help…[b]
1. Praise: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …”
Lord I raise my voice and shout for joy! From the west to the east I acclaim the Lord’s majesty. [Isaiah 24:14]
2. Ask: “…Give us today our daily bread…”
The World: Pray for the people of Afghanistan[c]
Your Country: Revival among Believers
Yourself: Ability to choose right living
Your concerns for today
Lord, there’s no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty. Help the victims, Lord our God, for we rely on You in all our desperate needs. [2 Chronicles 14:11]
3. Admit: “…Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us…”
Remind me Lord, to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Help me to be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. [Ephesians 6:18]
4. Protect: “…Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”
I know Lord that it’s better to take refuge in the You than to trust in humans. It’s better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes. [Psalm 118:8-9]
“For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever. Amen!”
When Jesus was questioned, tested, tricked, or in His hour of great need, He always spoke things that were previously written in God’s Word.[d] Following these memory verses from ten topics, will help you learn 52 verses from the bible in a year! THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE: Topic = The Creator’s Will
“Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” [1 John 2:6]
[a] John 6:25-69
[b] Matthew 6:5-15
[c] http://www.operationworld.org/country/afgh/owtext.html
[d] Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; 11:10; 21:13; and 26:24,31