In the 2011 movie The Adjustment Bureau, David (Matt Damon) was told that extreme circumstances would require a complete recalibration of his mind, in order to get him back on the right path. Today’s chapter shows how the problem is actually with the heart…
READ MARK 7 Make notes, if you’d like, of what stands out for you. Feel free to use the “Leave a Comment” box below to also write some of your thoughts.

As far back as the Tower of Babel[a], humans have been trying to get to “God” by building up a system to climb. The problem with Religion is that it focuses on what we do. But using simple digestion, in today’s chapter, Jesus explained that the problem isn’t in the mind, the stomach, or even external influences that remedial change can help. My problem is within me. It’s out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—that’s what pollutes a person. [v21-23] But here’s the good news and it can’t be found anywhere else on earth…
In a completely new and unique way (even for today’s religious systems), Jesus explains that it’s not what we do; it’s what our Maker can do for us. Since the issue is with my heart, my Maker can perform a complete recalibration of who I AM inside. Just like the deaf man [v31-37], if only I could be “unlocked to hear and to speak” with my Creator, then I’ll finally be open to Him. [v34] He has indeed done everything well from beginning to end.[b] So, rather than religion, my Creator wants a relationship with me. Created to be like Him, I’m beautiful in His eyes…
Read More… CLICK on “19 March – Additional Notes”
But what about your thoughts – can you tell me what today’s “breadcrumb” is? Leave a note in the “Comments” box below to tell me what you think of today’s chapter.
Wanting a speaking relationship with your Maker? The rest of this page uses Jesus’ own prayer to help…[c]
1. Praise: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …”
My heart rejoices in You, O God, because there’s no one holy like You. There’s no one besides You and there’s no Rock like my God. [1 Samuel 2:1a,2]
2. Ask: “…Give us today our daily bread…”
The World: Pray for BOIT[d]; British Virgin Islands[e] & Brunei[f]
Your Country: Pray for your Police Forces
Yourself: Boldness in sharing the Creator’s Good News Gospel[g]
Your concerns for today
May my petition come before You and may You deliver me according to Your promise. [Psalm 119:170]
3. Admit: “…Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us…”
I look forward to The Day when You’ll swallow up death forever, Father God. You’ll wipe away the tears from all faces and You’ll remove the disgrace of Your people from all the earth. You Lord, have spoken it. [Isaiah 25:8]
4. Protect: “…Lead us not into temptation but delivers us from evil.”
You’ve been before all things, Lord, and in You all things hold together. [Colossians 1:17]
“For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever. Amen!”
When Jesus was questioned, tested, tricked or in His hour of great need, He always spoke things that were previously written in God’s Word.[h] Following these memory verses from ten topics, will help you learn 52 verses from the bible in a year! THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE: Sharing the Creator God’s Good News
Jesus said: “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” [Matthew 28:19]
[a] Genesis 11:1-9
[b] Ecclesiastes 3:11 in ref to Mark 7:37
[c] Matthew 6:5-15
[g] 1 Corinthians 8:6 and Galatians 2:20
[h] Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; 11:10; 21:13; and 26:24,31