Shipwrecked! – The MV Logos Today

In the early hours of January 5th 1988 the MV Logos ran aground off the southern tip of South America. By 4am it was clear that we had to abandon ship and leave behind everything except the clothes we stood up in. I wrote about that night in Chapter 5: “At the World’s End” in my second book Mysterious? …Expect the Unexpected More than 25 years on, this is what the ship looks like today…

We had heard that the funnel had been painted since in order to remain clearly seen as a warning for other ships.
We had heard that the funnel had been painted in recent years in order for the wreck to remain clearly seen as a warning for passing ships. The steel girders are what’s left of the bookshop roof that had once hosted thousands of visitors.
Sailing the Magellan Straights on the last voyage before that ill-fated morning.
Sailing the Magellan Straights on the last voyage before that ill-fated morning.
The rainbow promise: those of us who left behind all our plans and dreams that day, looked back at our stricken ship that had been abandoned and left to fill with water, were amazed to see God's message to us in this unexpected snapshot.
The rainbow promise: those of us who left behind all our plans and dreams that day along with our possessions, looked back at our stricken ship. Though it was left abandoned to fill with water, we were amazed to see the Creator God’s personal message to us in this uncannily applicable snapshot.
At the World's End
At the World’s End
I was the last one to leave the Dining Room. I had just enough time to look back at all the Bibles and cameras  left abandoned on every table.
What’s left of the Dining Room. I was the last one to leave the Dining Room. I had just enough time to look back at all the Bibles and cameras left abandoned on every table.
The Danish built Logos was originally named the Umanac after a well-known rock outcrop in Greenland. It's depicted in this lovely mural that was salvaged from the reception area on the Logos. This mural is now displayed at the Puerto Williams Naval Base not far from the wreck.
The Danish built Logos was originally named the Umanac after a well-known rock outcrop in Greenland. The Umanac mountain is depicted in this lovely wooden mural that had been salvaged from the reception area on board the Logos. This mural is now displayed at the Puerto Williams Naval Base not far from the wreck.


Originally registered in Singapore
Originally registered in Singapore, the ‘caged’ area above the rope deck was ‘the poop deck’ – the play area for the ship’s kindergarten.

42 thoughts on “Shipwrecked! – The MV Logos Today”

  1. Hello. My brother just found one of my many photos that looks like the LOGOS. It’s a photo that we took while I was in the Army. Kept looking at the photo and I can’t recall where it was taken so i decided to look it up. If I can send someone a picture of it you can refresh my mind. Thank You

    Answer: It’s likely to be 1986 that took Logos north along the east coast of USA as far as Canada I believe, and back down to Haiti where we rejoined in Haiti in January 1987. We were away that year getting married and missed the East Coast of USA.

  2. My wife Marilyn and I joined Logos about six months before the accident. She is a professional translators and was engaged by the Chilean navy to be the official interpreter for the investigation. She and I witnessed every interview with the crew. As with any accident, an official report is written and filed. This is a matter of public record. Anyone may request a printed copy from the Chilean naval authority in Valparaiso. I obtained one when Logos 2 returned to Valpo. The findings concluded the accident was caused by; the engines at idle for a prolonged time (for the local pilot to disembark), the current at the time was outbound, strong winds and the high profile of the vessel, and human error. Simply, Logos drifted onto submerged rocks. Our OM ships experience was catalytic for our subsequent work and careers. We own a cross cultural training company, have worked in many countries, worked with the US Department of State and now with the Evangelical Alliance of Latin America. Keep on serving our King and Savior. He is sovereign, he orchestrates our lives for his purpose and glory. Be not afraid and trust!

    1. Lovely to hear from you Ed. Thank-you for those amazing memories! Have a great day!

  3. Hi my name is Carolyn I’m from the USA, I was on Logos from 1978-1980.
    I sat down to have my quiet time and the ship Logos can to my mind. I decided to see if I could find a picture of her and found this web site. Seeing the mural made me want to tear up. I joined for a summer campaign in 1978 and ended staying and joining the Logos. I spent a couple of weeks on the Doulos in England then we traveled over land to Iran and joined the ship there. I was on board when we picked up the Vietnamese refugees, the change over happened in Thailand and they were still on board when I left. I loved every minute of my time with the ship and feel so blessed to have been a part of her ministry and story.

  4. Wladislaw [Holland]

    On January 5th. 1988 early in the morning I stood at the door of the OM NL office. I felt definitely called by our precious Lord Jesus Christ to work on the Logos. My calling was shattered by this news. I wept bitterly at the harbour of the Christian village Urk which was close by. It was a spiritual turning point in OM. From faith Mission to … A lot is changed in the evangelical world. The memories fade away. The MV Logos is the only OM ship without it’s own Wikipedia page. The wreck is a visible testimony for those with eyes to see the spiritual condition of most evangelical churches in Europe and the States, because faith in our Saviour is replaced by manmade religion and activity. But Christ continues to build His church and prepare His bride. She will stand in the gold of Ophir (1Ki.9:26-28) next to Him on that Day.(Ps 45:10). About myself? He guided me through a successful career at a global company, led me out of this through cancer and placed me on the board of a faith mission since 2014 in NL. He is the only wise God!

    REPLY: Wow! Amazing Wladislaw! What an amazing story and life journey. May Father God protect your health and continue to perfect HIStory in you!

  5. The night of the shipwreck was a defining moment in my life. To see how God looked after us through this tragedy and how He protected us in very difficult conditions has enabled me to trust Him with whatever comes my way!!

  6. Kees [Netherlands]

    It was through the shipwreck that i heard about the ship ministry. I visited Logos2 in April 1990 in Amsterdam when it was being outfitted for service, and though far from being finished, I felt this deep sense of calling to join this adventurous ministry. Thank God my support team came together beautifully and nine months later i was overjoyed to become part of the crew. Visited 35 ports in 20 countries for two years, made countless friends and see God at work in this ministry even up till today, to see people receive new hope through the good news of Jesus Christ, the Living Word- Logos.
    “Thank you o my Father for giving us your Son and leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is done.”

  7. Hi! My name is Tim Smith (then from Baltimore, USA – now China, near Shanghai)

    I was on the Logos I from Saint John, Canada May, 1986 until the accident. Easily one of the most memorable and formative parts of my life. I have had dreams (literally) till this day that I was joining the ship again for another adventure.

    Great to find this site – would love to be touch in with “alumni” I recommend the ship experience to anyone – even if you get shipwrecked – maybe especially if you get shipwrecked :)

    1. Lovely to hear from you Tim! The best way to connect with Alumni is through several ‘groups’ on Facebook. We had a reunion of ‘survivors’ in Germany for the 25th Anniversary (I believe). So let me know if you’re not managing to find those groups. P.S. I am sorry that I couldn’t include your URL here in your message. I try to keep this site ‘unconnected’ if possible, to avoid viruses being attached. My span comments box is crazy but I’m happy for the management platform that keeps that bad side of the internet at bay.

  8. I just found this website today and the picture of ‘my’ old Logos brought tears in my eyes… I was on Logos from 1982 till 1984 and worked as a cook in thr gally. My life after Logos brought me to the place where I found my beloved wife Heidy. Many years we organised transports to Romania, which stopped because I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Logos formed me and I thank God every day for the time on board! I am writing a book now about my life on board.
    When you remember me, please give a reply, I would appreciate it!

    1. Hello Anton! You would have served in the galley with Ted Muir (perhaps – unless he took over after you left) he was from my church. I joined in 1984 so you were at the airport in La Guaira Venezuela when we arrived. We saw all those leaving but couldn’t stop to talk. We took your bus back to the ship where I saw her for the first time. For weeks I had been told she was small, but when I stood on the quayside and looked up at her, I thought she was big. xxx KathyK

  9. Benedict [Australia]

    Hi All,
    I was just briefly telling my 22 year old son about my brief experience onboard MV Logos when she visited our ports of Kota Kinabalu & Kuching in Malaysia back in 1975 or 1977. Not sure of the date. I was a volunteer onboard in Kota Kinabalu for about 10 days then the ship sailed to Kuching, Sarawak. I managed to travel with the crew to Kuching with God’s grace! What happy memories those years were to evangilise! If anyone was on board during that period, I would love to hear from you.
    Benedict Antony

    1. Lovely to hear from you Benedict. How fun! Yes I have many friends who were on the ship during the 4 years before my Mark joined in 1979. Sadly (for us though not for them) a number have already gone to be with the Lord. I will be sure to pass on your enquiry to our H.O. where another friend is assigned to an Alumni FaceBook and friendship network. Have a great week!

  10. I was on the logos and went to portulgo cannary islands, west indies, south and central america and usa left the ship in baltamoor Great time knew mark. Worked on deck book exhibition and galley. God bless

  11. i spent 2 years on logos it was great to see other countries at to meet other christians in the world the sinking of the logos was sad however with no body getting injured or killed praise the Lord for is grace and mercy in rescuing all onboard

  12. John [Australia]

    Hi all, I was on logos from 1970- 73 as a child my farther was the original chief engineer from Australia. a great adventure for a ten year old. Joined the logos in dry dock in Rotterdam. We left in India. So many memories

  13. My name is Gary, and was on the ship at the time of the accident, and it was real trial to test my faith, and of course the LORD was faithful! Wonder what’s happen to the wonderful brothers, and sisters I was on the ship with?

    1. Dear Gary, so sorry that I’ve not responded! I’ve not been on my website for over a month, due to a family event. YES! lots of ways to connect in to the various groups who are all still connected. We had a fun reunion for the 25th anniversary. I’ll send you a separate email with how to get linked in. xxx K

  14. Lawrie [Australia]

    Hi Kathy, I remember my time on entering OM well. Meeting you and many others in Brisbane for the first time in 1984. My time on Logos can be read in my autobiography. I still hold my OM time as a valuable life experience.

  15. Olaf [Denmark]

    I was on LOGOS for a short time in 1982-83. I would like to hear from other crewmembers from LOGOS

    1. Hello Olaf! You can visit the main GBA Ships website and ask your question there through the “Contact Us” page, if you’d like …I know our Ship’s alumni co-ordinators are happy to reconnect with ex-ship staff! Alternatively, there’s a Logos Group chats on Facebook. Just follow one of your friends (who were on the ship at the time) and go to their “groups”, then ask to join. Hope this helps!

    2. keith [Singapore]

      Hi Olaf, Keith Lai from Singapore, on the logos from 1978-1982. Served on deck, IT, evangelism team

  16. I still have two short boards of discarded decking from Logos. That stuff is heavy. I don’t know what kind of wood it is/ was but it might make a nice art project or something. Still in the process of scanning Logos slides.

    1. Hey Donald! How fun is that! It’s likely to be teak… at least the hand rails were teak. Have fun scanning slides. Be sure to put them on the FaceBook group chat for the Logos so everyone can see them!

  17. Jennifer (Australia)

    I have a postcard of the ‘Logos’ from, I think, the 1960’s – unused, fairly good condition, but showing its age. I have no idea where it came from – I was living in South-West Queensland (Australia) at the time. I’ve just found this page, so now know what happened to the ship. Kathy, do you want the postcard – would be happy to send it to you. Blessings, Jennifer.

    1. Dear Jennifer, Wow! How amazing is that! If only the card could speak of it’s journey! We’re coming to Australia soon, so perhaps I could collect it if you still live there! Xx

  18. I was on board the Logos for two years, but not when this event happened. I was on board when another event happened. We were coming into Istanbul in the early morning with a pilot on board and tugs for assistance, when we sliced nearly in two one of the Bosporus ferries due to our ice breaking bow!

    1. Hey Antony! Nice to hear from you! Tell me more about yourself. Where are you from and what department were you in on board?

    2. I was on Logos my name is John Clench

      Hello John! Wow – amazing who has served on board all those years ago. Which years were you on board and what job did you do??

  19. Can you please email me the address of the website mentioned above. I’d like to see more Logos photos. I was on the Doulos, but the two ships met up once somewhere in Europe so I was on board. Does your site review the reason why the ship went aground? I always figured the Doulos would be the first to sink since everyone seemed perhaps a bit too laid back at times. Thanks.

    1. Hello Dick, the website is If you’d like the whole story about our personal experience on board during our shipwreck, I wrote about it in my second book Mysterious?…Expect the Unexpected. Just click on the tab “LookUpBooks” on the tool bar above, and then choose “Ordering”. You can order it through my website. Two more books that you can google and buy elsewhere online are “Logos Story” and “The Doulos Story” both written by Elaine Rhoton. We were sailing on the Doulos when the two ships came together in Toulon, France, so we may know each other! Yes – Doulos was two year younger than the Titanic and worked in active service until she was 98 years old. In fact, she made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest passenger ship still afloat! She out-served our third ship – the Logos II – by six months! We had to give her up in the end, because no ocean-going ship is allowed to run after they reach 100 years, and the cost to keep her through her last two drydocks was more than the “value for ministry” that she could do in her last two years. Hope you like my books!

  20. Michael (U.S.A.)

    Hi, Kathy, tell Mark I said hello. I went looking for a picture of Logos aground and found your website. Seems you have had some trials in your life. I still remember when Logos was in Amsterdam and you had so much anxiety over Akila’s illness. Someone took your glasses off your face and cleaned them for you. Time passes, we get old….I have not heard from Elon in years. Congratulations on your two books. Very sorry about your son. I am glad I found your website. God bless you and your family. MCJ

    Hey Mike, lovely to hear from you! Wow – it’s been years! It’s incredible that you remember the glasses story after 25 years! It was just a small thing for someone to do in a crisis but it spoke volumes. It’s often the little things that count most. I’ll email personal notes separately but hope you find my site interesting. Check out the other things in photos and videos section – especially Laura’s video (I wrote about that in my first book) and my car accident (I wrote about that event in my second book). Luv K

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