Today’s story shows how negative names can hurt for a long time…
READ 1 Kings 9 Make notes, if you’d like, of what stands out for you. Feel free to use the “Leave a Comment” box below to also write some of your thoughts.
I grew up with the saying: “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” and I repeated it many times. But the well-known speaker Canon JJohn, once said, “There has never been a greater lie sung in the playground.” The truth is, names do hurt. Names can cut deep and, in some cases, the negative affect can live on down through generations for centuries.
In today’s chapter, King Solomon gives the King of Tyre 20 towns in Northern Israel. [v11] But when Hiram came to see his gift, he was disappointed and called the region “Kabul” which means: good for nothing. [v12] The recorder noted that, in the time lapse between the King of Tyre saying it and compiling the first Book of Kings, the region was “still called that name to this day”. [v13] Incredibly, almost a millennium later, people in Galilee and Northern Israel, were still living in darkness and walking in the shadow of this “curse”.[a]

The truth is, nothing is “good for nothing”. The proof of this is on the rubbish tips of the world. Little children in places like the Philippines, prove daily that virtually everything discarded has a use – if you understand that it’s worth saving. The Dalit population of India were designated as “outcasts” or “untouchables”and called that name, centuries ago. But, made in the image of God, every human is important, significant, wanted, never cast out or called “good for nothing” by our Maker.
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But what about your thoughts – can you tell me what today’s “breadcrumb” is? Leave a note in the “Comments” box below to tell me what you think of today’s chapter.
Wanting to speak directly with the One who made you in His own image? The rest of this webpage uses Jesus’ own prayer to help…[b]
1. Praise: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven …”
I’ll give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good; Your love endures forever! I praise the Lord, the God of Heaven and Earth, from everlasting to everlasting! [1 Chronicles 16:34,36]
2. Ask: “…Give us today our daily bread…”
The World: Pray for the Republic of Guinea[c]
Your Country: Needs of Inner Cities
Yourself: Greater Discipline
Your concerns for today
Let me hear joy and gladness, Lord, in answer to my prayers. Let my crushed bones rejoice! [Psalm 51:8]
3. Admit: “…Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us…”
It’s by grace, Father, that I’ve been saved, through faith. It’s not from within myself, it’s the gift from You, God—not by my works, so that I can’t boast. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
4. Protect: “…Lead us not into temptation but delivers us from evil.”
Heal me, Lord, and I’ll be healed; save me and I’ll be saved, for You are the One I praise! [Jeremiah 17:14]
“For Yours Lord is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever. Amen!”
When Jesus was questioned, tested, tricked or in His hour of great need, He always spoke things that were previously written in God’s Word.[d] Following these memory verses from ten topics, will help you learn 52 verses from the bible in a year! THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE: Using our Gifting
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” [Romans 12:6-8]
[a] Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16 and John 1:46
[b] Matthew 6:5-15
[d] Matthew 4:4,6,7,10; 11:10; 21:13; and 26:24,31