02 May – Additional Notes


If our lives aren’t random, coincidences aren’t coincidental, and if we’re not to judge a book by its cover, then it’s easy to see Father God’s leading and His Hand of Grace in many places. And why not, when we’re images of Himself that He created to live and operate like Him?[a] Of course He would look after us, He’d want us to hear His guiding voice, and see His involvement at every turn.[b]

If true, then the first thing I notice from today’s chapter is that an Inn, owned by what appeared to be a prostitute, would have been the easiest place for two men to slip away in a crowd. [v1] However, just as Abraham’s servant and Jacob, in separate incidents a hundred years apart, “randomly” managed to show up at exactly the right well hundreds of miles away[c]; and just as Moses “coincidently” showed up to help the daughters of the only believer of the Creator God in the region, who “just so happened” to be Priest of God Most High[d] (these stories were covered in my January & February Breadcrumbs), divine providence and provision is the only reasonable explanation for such an ‘appointed meeting’ yet again in today’s chapter.

The cat was out of the bag though [v2-3], and both Rahab and the men were caught. However, in just the same way that the midwives ‘lied’ to Pharoah in Egypt, in order to do what was right before God[e], Rahab risked her own life to lie too. [v4-6] This brings up the whole topic of lying. In the movie Bonhoeffer – Agent of Grace, the Nazi interrogator said, “Doesn’t it strike you as odd, Bonhoeffer, that I am interested only in the truth and that you, a minister, seek by your silence to evade it?” There are many situations where silence or lies are the right course of action to take. However, these must be grounded firmly on the truth of what really is “right”.

Every Believer in the Creator God is to represent His Likeness, and I’ll often say that if you want to know what God is like, just look in the mirror. He created you in His own image! However, our failing knowledge and understanding (especially for what appears to be “good” or the “right” move to make), has got us into trouble since the very beginning.[f] It’s more than essential then, that we understand what Father God is likely to want us to do. The only way to achieve this is exactly what we talked about in yesterday’s Breadcrumb, and it hasn’t changed since the men in today’s chapter were alive. The golden key: reading our Makers Handbook for LIFE.[g]

A simple test between right and wrong in today’s chapter was whether or not one’s life was in danger, and that a word either way would endanger someone else’s life. Centuries later, Jesus said:

“If anyone wishes to follow after me, let him deny himself and take up his etz shel hakarav atzmo (tree of self-sacrifice), and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his nefesh (“his own neck” /throat/ “his own skin”) will lose it; but whoever loses his nefesh (later implied “vital spirit”) for my sake and for the sake of the Besuras HaGeulah (Tidings of Redemption) will save it. For how is the ben Adam (human being) benefited if he gains the kol haOlam (the whole entire world), and forfeit his neshamah (soul/spirit)? For what shall a ben Adam (human being) give in exchange [for] his neshamah (soul)? [Mark 8:34-37]

And so, the prostitute becomes the heroine.

It has been 3,500+ years since the events in this chapter took place, and Jericho remains to this day on the west side of the Jordan River, just as this chapter proves. [v7] Yet preserved to this day and readily available in virtually every language imaginable, are the private conversations and a hidden pact between the ‘lowest of the low’ (an outcast ‘woman of note’ in Middle Eastern culture) and two men on the run. The reason is as real today as it was then, and the basic elements haven’t changed. Our Maker wants us to grapple with the existence and involvement of the Creator God in the world around us. [v9-10] From what we’re engaging with, we’re to believe enough that (of all the gods that humans can believe in) this is our Great God who is LORD in heaven above and on earth beneath. [v10] Then with a healthy fear of our Sovereign Maker[h], to actively plan our future security in preparation for His immanent judgement. [v11-13]

In addition, and because our Maker made us in His own image to operate in His Likeness, it’s not surprising that He would later call Himself by roles such as Father[i] and Husband.[j] He has had a Global Masterplan since it was first revealed 4 millenniums ago, and it includes kol mishpochot haadamah (all/each/every  clan/family/tribe/people/nation  that’s human) being blessed![k] With that known, it’s no wonder that our Father God is set on saving us and transferring us into His kingdom just as Rahab and her family experienced. The men in today’s chapter were also working for Joshua, on his errand, and his name means “God is Deliverance”; so of course, they should readily help save her when she asked for this. [v14]

“Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my nefesh (soul) takes refuge in You; yes, in the tzel (shadow) of Your wings will I make my refuge, until these devastations pass by.” [Psalm 57:1]

I don’t know if I will ever experience what Believers experienced in WWII (or indeed other horrific conflicts like the Rwanda massacre) – where life hung in the balance when saving lives meant risking your own. I would no doubt use my head, logic, and conscience just as Rahab did [v15-16, v21], then no doubt watch and pray hard! One thing is sure though: if I’m not a heroine in peacetime, I’m not likely to be one in extenuating circumstances. If I’m not in the habit of connecting with the LORD in heaven above and on earth beneath [v10] while there’s still time to change[l], the probability is extremely low in life-risking circumstances, for making the sort of choices that my Maker would make. Now is the time to re-evaluate my heroes and heroines, and like Rahab, re-align my moral compass toward due north… my Maker and Creator, Father God’s Kingdom… even if this means starting over…

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[a] Genesis 1:26-28

[b] John 10:11-18

[c] Genesis c24 and c29

[d] Exodus 2:15-22

[e] Exodus 1:15-22

[f] Genesis c3

[g] Joshua 1:8

[h] Ecclesiastes 12:13 (See also: 3:14, 5:7, 7:18 & 8:12-13)

[i] Deuteronomy 32:18; Isaiah 43:1-7; Jeremiah 31:7-9; 2 Corinthians 6:18

[j] Jeremiah 3:14&20; Ezekiel 16:30-32

[k] Genesis 12:3

[l] Joel 2:12

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