My husband and I lived full and busy lives. With different gifting, we were both working effectively in significant ways. My background has been in finance ever since my teenage years but after leaving Australia just after my 20th birthday, I’ve had the privilege of visiting more than 80 countries on every continent. I eventually became the Manager of the central treasury fund for a large multi-national non-profit organisation. I was also Area Finance Officer for North Europe. I monitored the effective and efficient finance systems at our charity’s national offices in 8 countries.

When we settled in the UK, I studied theology with the Open Theological College and the University of Gloucestershire. Interestingly enough, however, and even after all the people I had met and cultures I’d been lucky enough to experience, I haven’t yet managed to find what I believe is a better solution for the world’s problems than the Rescue Plan that’s laid out by the Creator God in ‘The Maker’s Handbook’ – the pages of His Word. And so it was that, after our son died with no medical reason found, I felt compelled to write you our story. Five years after that simple choice, I now have this website and two books Breadcrumbs in the Storm and Mysterious? …expect the unexpected…
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If you haven’t yet seen my Intro Video for this website, I invite you to look at that now. But most of all, I hope that through my books and this website, you too will come to take hold of your Maker’s promises. Those promises that I have discovered from the earliest days that I can remember.
Kathy Knight