OM Ships International have been in operation since the late 1960s. With the ships Logos, Doulos, Logos II and now Logos Hope, the idea is to bring knowledge, help and hope to hundreds of countries on every continent. To do this, the large on-board book shop and visitor’s experience deck aboard Logos Hope hosts a million visitors every year. Please visit the OMSI website for more information: http://www.omships.org/
One of Mark’s jobs, in recent years, has been to look at the future, long-term sustainability of OMSI and to focus on developing a monthly Global Giving Program. Mark’s dream is to find 100,000 people worldwide who are willing to give £10, $10 or Eur10 per month every month. If this dream was realised, there would be no need to hold major fund-raising events – well … unless of course we were to buy a 5th ship!
You can give direct to OM Ships International by clicking on one of the following:
Click to DONATE direct to OMSI
Click to DONATE within the UK
Click to DONATE within Australia
Click to DONATE within the USA
We have offices in 110 countries so if you are anywhere else in the world just write to breadcrumbslive@gmail.com and we can help you give in any country!